1、山东省重点研发计划, 2017GGX3012,多腿足混联式海洋步行机器人研制,2017/01-2018/12,27万,1/8 2、威海市高区科技计划,海洋水下机器人仿生推进与模块化载体平台的研究,201442,2014/12-2016/12,10万元,2/7 3、立博基本科研业务费,2014ZQXM003,风电齿轮箱润滑污染控制技术研究,2014/03-2016/02,8万元,1/6 4、威海市大学共建项目,海带自然晾晒的自动化装备技术,2013/12-2015/12,6万元,1/6 4、国家自然科学基金面上项目,51375264,水下机器人单机构多姿态矢量推进机构方案与推进性能研究,2014/01-2017/12,80万元,3/8 5、山东省优秀中青年科学家科研奖励基金项目,2013BSE27014,海洋探测机器人导向操纵机构与姿态跟踪控,2013/11-2015/10,5万元,2/5 |
1. 一种水陆两栖机器人的两移两转串并混联腿机构, 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 2018, 39(1): 135-142.(1/4, EI收录) 2. Gait Planning and Simulation Analysis of a New Amphibious Quadruped Robots,Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics,2018,30(2):257-264(3/5, 通讯作者,EI收录) 3. Kinematics and Singularity Analysis of a Four-degree-of-freedom Serial-parallel Hybrid manipulator, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 2017, 29(3): 520-527.(1/4, EI收录) 4. Dynamic balance analysis of contamination control for hydraulic systems based on dynamic filtration ratio. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 2016, 68 (1): 45-51.(1/4, SCI收录) 5. Experimental study on construction tension and local component failure of double inner and outer latticed shell string structure, Advances in Structural Engineering, 2017.4, (2/5, 通讯作者,SCI收录) 6. Computed-torque plus robust adaptive compensation control for robot manipulator with structured and unstructured uncertainties,IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information,2016,33(1):37-52 . (2/5, SCI收录) 7. Form and Structural Properties of a New Lattice Shell String Structure , Journal of the International Association for Shell & Spatial Structures, 2016.6, (3/4, EI收录) 8. Numerical Investigation of Bubble Motion Behavior in a Centrifugal Vacuum Gas–Liquid–Solid Separator for the Treatment of Contaminated Hydraulic Fluid,Separation Science and Technology,2015, 50( 6): 865-873. (3/5, SCI收录) 9. The Determination and Analysis of the Variable Filtration Ratio Model for Hydraulic System Filter,Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014, (602-605): 1417-1420. (1/3, EI收录) 10. Robust adaptive inverse dynamics control for uncertain robot manipulator,International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control,2014, 10( 2): 575-587. ): 865-873. (2/5, SCI收录) |
1.一种波浪能发电系统,2016.8.29,中国,CN201610754058.4,1/4 2.一种海带晒后捆扎切割系统 2017.1.11, 中国, CN201710018281.7 ,1/5 3.海带自然晾晒的自动化设备, 2014.6.26, 中国, CN201410289799.0,1/4 4.全部偏转螺旋桨矢量推进机构及水下航行器, 2016.1.18, 中国, CN201610028766.X,3/5 5.一种四足机器人 2016.12.15,中国, CN201611158787.X,3/4 |